As you are aware, more people are using digital money, with the majority using mobile wallets, debit cards, and credit cards. Check whether you are protected from such fraudsters while utilizing it. And using credit cards frequently results in this. You will require a credit card when traveling regardless of whether you are a seasoned traveler or just on a quick trip.
Most frauds take place in other nations where credit cards are used. Even though information or data is stolen in India, it is sent to other countries. This is due to two-level authentication making credit cards safer to use in India, where you state your information and receive an OTP, and only your card transaction is allowed.
What is Card Skimming ?
Card skimming is a common and illegal way to obtain private financial data for use in bank and credit card fraud. Where Criminals try to install skimming devices on ATMs, in gas pumps, or on vending machines in order to steal credit card information. The information on your card, which is located on the black magnetic strip, is captured by this device.
You must safeguard yourself from credit card fraud whether you are traveling for work or pleasure. These are some quick suggestions to keep you informed and secure while traveling.
Protect Yourself from Credit Card Fraud While Traveling
Make an online payment on reputable SSL- or Trusted-seal-equipped websites. The SSL Seal verifies whether or not your payments are technically safe. It is known as the Technical Security of Payments. Therefore, check to see if a site has an SSL seal when you make a payment on it.
Letting your card issuer know where you will be-
When it comes to your credit card and bank account, you must let your issuer know where you are traveling and how long you plan to be out. By doing this, you can prevent them from flagging your account for suspicious activities.
Keeping it Minimal-
Even if you have several credit cards, don’t bring them all with you on your trip. Using multiple credit cards while traveling increases the chances of fraudulent activities. Choose one card to use for the majority of your purchases when traveling, along with a backup card if you have one.
By freezing your Credit Card-
The concept is to be able to lock or essentially turn off, a card in case it is lost. As a result, a thief would be unable to use a stolen card number to make unauthorized purchases. You can unlock or turn on the card if you locate it without having to contact the card’s issuer.
Monitoring your Account-
While on the trip, make sure to check your account frequently and try to spot any unusual activity right away. However, you must take precautions when using Public WiFi Networks or PCs to access your data. You can avoid hackers by doing this.
Know who to contact-
You must have the account details to prove your identity, as well as the knowledge of how to contact a credit card issuer. When your card is stolen, credit card issuers have several layers of protection in place, so make sure to note all the relevant details and contact information. After that, keep it separate from the card in a secure location
Read More: How to Choose the Best Credit Card
Everyone has a duty to ensure their own safety when traveling. As a result, be sure your bank and credit card companies have your back in case of emergency. Pay attention whenever you use your credit card for any kind of transaction. The easiest way to travel safely is to actively plan ahead. Please share your opinions and suggestions with us regarding how to avoid credit card fraud when traveling.
Jyoti is unique blend of expertise, extensive experience, and a genuine passion for credit cards positions him as an exceptionally well-suited and engaging content writer. His profound insights into the Indian credit and banking sectors have empowered him to craft numerous informative and captivating blogs.